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梁婧康-Liang Jingkang on Her Mission to Empower the Deaf through Sign Language 可以重写为 Liang Jingkang&#03

趣玩国 2024-05-26 21:01:11 明星八卦 0

Liang Jingkang's Efforts to Empower the Deaf Through Sign Language

Liang Jingkang, a 25-year-old young woman from China, has made it her mission to empower the deaf community through sign language. Growing up, Liang witnessed the struggles and discrimination faced by deaf individuals in society, and it sparked a passion within her to make a difference.

Learning Sign Language

During her university studies, Liang started learning sign language and soon became fluent in it. She volunteered at a school for the deaf, which allowed her to interact with the deaf community and better understand their needs. She also helped to organize events and activities to promote sign language and deaf culture in her community.

Sign Language Platform

After graduation, Liang founded a sign language platform called "Hello World." The platform offers an online sign language course and provides a space for deaf individuals to connect with sign language interpreters for communication assistance. Liang has also used the platform to raise awareness and advocate for the rights of the deaf community.

Sign Language Promotion

Liang continues to promote sign language in numerous ways. She has held sign language workshops and seminars, and she has organized sign language performances and competitions. Through her efforts, Liang hopes to make sign language more widely recognized and utilized, allowing for better communication and inclusion for the deaf community.

Improving Access to Information

Liang is also working to improve access to information for the deaf in society. She has advocated for the inclusion of sign language interpreters in public events and broadcasts, such as during news reports and government briefings. Additionally, she is collaborating with tech companies to develop sign language recognition software for digital devices to make communication easier and more accessible for the deaf.


Liang Jingkang's efforts to empower the deaf through sign language have made a significant impact on the deaf community in China. She is not only raising awareness but also advocating for equal rights and access to information for the deaf. Liang's determination to make a difference serves as an inspiration, reminding us of the power of individuals to effect change in society.